Buddhist Action Month 2015
Buddhist Action Month 2015
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Awakening money: this week's European tour

Amalavajra is a former bond dealer in the City of London, now working for Triratna and touring European Triratna Centres for Buddhist Action Month, speaking in relation to BAM's second theme of money awareness. (Dates below.)

He has fundraised for Triratna projects, especially Karuna, since 1999 and now lives at Adhisthana. As the fundraiser on the Development Team employed by Triratna's European Chairs' Assembly, his aim is to help create a culture of greater confidence, abundance and generosity in relation to money.

He writes: "To transform society you also need to transform yourself. So whilst there is plenty of money in this world, if you want more of it to serve the good then you will need to awaken to its reality. This means being clear about how much money you have and need, and understanding the conditioned beliefs you hold about it. And by examining money’s ungraspable nature you may unearth a greater confidence and freedom in relation to mobilizing money for work that matters."

Money Awakening tour dates:
Tuesday 9th June
Wednesday 10th June
Thursday 11th June
Sunday 28th June, 10-5